Pack Leadership and Volunteer Opportunities:
A good Pack Committee consists of the following people:
•Chartered Organization Representative - Is someone within the
Charter Organization of Stokesdale United Methodist Church
- Pastor Tony Dowdy is the contact.
•Pack Committee Chair – Chair has the controlling say in any of
Pack 110 decisions. If you have a problem with the Pack including
the Cub Master or Den Leader or if you have suggestions or
recommendations you will contact the Committee Chair.
- Open Position
•Secretary – Handles the insurance forms for the Pack and Re-charter and
meeting minutes
- Open Position
•Treasurer – Handles all bookkeeping for Pack 110. If reimbursement
is needed for something done for the Pack you see the Treasurer.
They also collect all money going into Pack 110 from dues to fundraisers.
- Open Position
•Advancement – This position is for picking up all the advancements
and ensuring that all Cubs receive the needed advancements. - Open Position
•Community & Fund Raising – This position contacts local organizations
for donations and arranges for activities or donations. - Open Position
•Sustaining Membership Enrollment Chairperson (a.k.a. Friends of
Scouting) This is a position held by Old North State District. - Sandra Ritter
•Cubmaster (is not a voting member) – This position follows up with
the Den Leaders and Leads the Pack Meetings, makes sure that
each Den is on Track with advancements and other activities.
- Gary Mize
•Asst. Cubmaster – This position helps the Cub-Master when they are
not available.
- John Murphy
•Pack Trainer – This position helps the Cub-Master with training the Pack.
- Heather Briggs
•Den Leader (non voting member) - Organizes Den meetings and
helps the Cubs achieve their advancements usually a member of the
Tiger Den Leader: Open______________
Tiger Den Assistant: Open______________
Wolf Den Leader: Open______________
Wolf Den Assistant: Open______________
Bear Den Leader: Open______________
Assistant Bear Leader: Open______________
Webelos I: Open______________
Webelos I Assistant: Open______________
Webelos II: Open______________
Webelos II Assistant: Open______________
© 2008 Cub Scouts Pack 110. All Rights Reserved.
All Meetings held at:
Stokesdale United Methodist Church
Route 158
Stokesdale, NC
Mondays, 7pm – 8:15pm
Mission Statement
With an emphasis on good leadership, Pack 110 encourages and supports the official scout training of all of its leaders and places the protection and enrichment of its youth as its highest priority.